16 October 2008

Little Pumpkins


These little pumpkins had a blast at the pumpkin patch down the road from us. I was amazed it went so well and the big pumpkin (Joe) even wanted to come along. :) Joe took most of these pictures and I love so many of them that I can’t decide….so, here’s a lot…


They were so good at sharing that day. (Notice the Ethel gloves in the background. Perfect for pumpkin picking and sooo cute!)



Ollie kept falling down, and Noah helped him up every time.



The kids are cute and all…but LOOK at those gloves! haha. Just kidding (well..kind of). I’m just in love with Ethel gloves. I already thought they were great, then they donated gloves for our Golf Tournament gift bags. They have great design sense AND a heart for the world. Just awesome in every way.  


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Ollie sat on every pumpkin that was just the right size.


Then he decided to be creative and stack them. I love that he did this, and especially that he stood back and looked at what he had built.

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I love Noah’s expression here.


Ollie was not impressed with the tractor at first.



Then he got excited. (notice his crossed ankles…hehe)




Awww - I miss you all and that great pumpkin patch! I love reading your blog and seeing what you're up to.

Carlee Avery said...

I notices the gloves before I read that!! AND the jacket! :)

Your kids kill me - they are SO DARN CUTE!!!

Sadie said...

Ahhhh...I think MY kids are cute and then I see yours, man they are just the cutest little cherubs. How did we all luck out with such cutie kiddos!? :)