29 October 2012
Little City Boy
24 October 2012
Simon's opinion on Christmas card photos
24 April 2011
Recycled Slug
I just came across this video from August, 2010, and it made me laugh so I had to post it. Ollie had just turned four. He’s so pudgy and I love that he can’t say his L’s. Don’t you love his outfit too? He dresses himself.
10 April 2011
My April Fool’s Day
April Fool’s Day with a 4.5 and 6 year old is awesome. Sooo awesome. Although, after a while, I have to admit, I got a little tired finding toys in my beverages. Heh.
I really can hardly stand their cuteness. It’s just overwhelming.
And they had other tricks not captured by film/Iphone:
Ollie thought it was absolutely hilarious to place different objects in front of Joe’s office door. He didn’t even wait for Joe to come out, just the act of doing it was enough to entertain him. Seriously, he almost peed his pants laughing at his 4-year-old cleverness.
Noah thought he was pretty brilliant by switching things from my Joe’s night stand to mine and vice versa. He also did the same with our closets. Heh. Very cute.
I love my life so very, very much.
Knitting much?
Okay…here is a photo collection of most of my knitting projects. Forgive the lack of consistency in photo styles. These were all taken with my phone and some I chose to “spiff up” and some I left as is.
I’d prefer to post each project separately in the future so I can spend some time listing the yarn used and pattern help I received (YouTube is amazing for beginning knitters, btw). But since I’m so behind on the blog, I just have to catch up a bit first.
I guess I should also explain my recent obsession. A friend of mine taught me how to knit a simple scarf a few years ago (thank you, Miss Amy Kang). I did it, and that was that. She thought I would become a knitter, but I assured her I would NOT as I REALLY didn’t have the time or patience to sit and knit. Well…fast forward a few years, and the bug got me. I can’t really explain it, but I love it. I love that one string can turn into something so wonderful. There is a 3-dimensional, mathematical quality to knitting. It’s made up of knits and purls and any combination of those stitches can produce something different. So, I’m turning into a knitting nerd and I don’t care. I really do believe it’s saved my sanity these past months.
People keep asking me how I have time to knit. Well…I don’t really. I can usually just knit a few rows at a time during the day…if I get a few minutes while Simon is napping or if I arrive 5 minutes early at the bus stop or to pick up Ollie. I knit at night to relax (my husband works A LOT, which frees up many evenings, I’m kind of sad to say, actually). I also knit at playdates and bible study. heh. One of the few things you can do while also talking and listening. Oh…and I knit at Taekwondo. One of the moms told me how I always seem so relaxed with three boys, cause I sit and knit at Taekwondo. Again….it’s SAVING my sanity. haha.
This was my first (and only) blanket that I knitted for my precious, Simon. It’s super soft and cuddly. It’s my own pattern (which was sooo fun to come up with) because I didn’t like any I saw. I’m currently working on a blanket for Ollie, but blankets take a LONG time and he wants one that’s “just his size”, so…it will be awhile.
These were in a previous post, but I thought I’d repost them, because darn it…they took me a LONG time to make. AND they are made from Fair Trade Cotton no less.
Here is a sweet newborn hat I made for my friends Josh and Angelle who are having their first little baby.
Here’s sweet little Simon trying on his little hat in progress. The final version is posted here.
I normally don’t like to post pictures of myself (especially in the BATHROOM), but here I am! This is an infinity scarf. Fun, huh?
Noah wanted a scarf. Cute, but the edges roll in. Whatever, he still likes it and he wears it well.
This was my second attempt at making mittens to match Noah’s scarf. Well…they are too small for Noah, and almost too small for Ollie. Luckily, I have a third child who can grow into them.
I know…so sad I made my son model this, but someone had to. This will go to a very deserving little girl, if my friend ends up having a girl. If not, I will make a cute little skater hat for a little boy, probably. Don’t you love it? It’s the Stella Pixie Hat on Etsy. So fun to make.
And this is my latest newborn hat. Super cute with a knot on the top. It’s actually the Berry Baby Hat, but instead of a berry, it’s grey and cream stripes. It’s also super soft cause I used an organic wool/cotton blend. This one is for John and Lisa Butterworth’s little bundle, but they don’t know it yet. Hehe.
So, now that I look at all of these, I’m super embarrassed by my horrible photography. I promise to use my REAL camera to take pictures of my next projects.
08 April 2011
Blogging Hang-ups
Okay…it’s been over a month since my last post, in which I declared that I was going to start blogging again. Hm. Not such a great re-start. Anyway, in all this, I was trying to figure out what kept me from blogging and there are many reasons.
1. The obvious: Having a family of five just keeps me on my toes with laundry, dishes, cooking, kids schoolwork, general clean-up, etc. And my house is NOT in order all the time, so something is lacking in that area as well.
2. A new hobby: I’m obsessed with knitting. I think about it ALL the time. I dream about it at night. Not kidding. I MIGHT need an intervention.
3. Indecisiveness: There is sooo much I want to blog about, that when I sit down to do it, I just can’t decide, so I don’t. Here are just a few:
-Past birthday celebrations
-PeeWee Soccer
-Noah’s artwork
-Bento lunches
-Cannon Beach
4. Lack of photo organization and quality: I know, I know…I’m a photographer so, really, this shouldn’t be an issue. The problem is I have everything organized for clients, but my own personal photographs are a mess. And, typically, the shots I want to blog about are on my phone. So, the quality is horrible and I’m a perfectionist, and can’t bring myself to post so-so pictures up. Also, I blog on a PC, and I sync my phone to my mac. Just a little transferring dilemma that takes slightly more time and effort that, apparently, I’m unwilling to put forth. I won’t bore you with the rest of the details.
So…I’m gonna make myself get over all this. I’ll put off laundry and dishes once in a while. I maybe WON’T knit every chance I get (notice I said maybe). I won’t blog in any order, I’ll just pick a random subject and do it (my self-diagnosed OCD will have some trouble with this one). Finally, I will post up horrible, un-edited, low-resolution pictures and not think twice. After all…when we started blogging, we put up images based on cute factor, not image quality.
Since this has been a super boring post. I’m gonna end it with some cute, (but low-quality) random images to get myself over my blogging hang-ups. These are in NO particular order and I may be reposting them later when I decide to actually write in detail about them. Here we go:
Ollie LOVES his brother. He is just the sweetest guy.
Simon is just too perfect for words.
Noah and Ollie’s lunches. I kind of dumbed-down the Bento lunch idea, but it’s still cute and fun.
Noah brought these to share at school for his 6th Birthday. He couldn’t decide between cupcakes, cookies, or lollipops. So, I figured out how to make these. I’ll post the recipes later. Took a few YouTube lessons for me to finally get it. Ha.
My first booties knit for my friend, Jess. Booties are REALLY hard. So…there may not be another pair for awhile.
Noah made this Optimus Prime from scratch with no help from me. It is sooo delicate. It’s made of paper and if you can’t tell, that one arm is sooo tiny! haha. I love it. It makes me thing of this. hehe.
02 March 2011
Nearly 9 months
So, our sweet Simon is nearly 9 months now. That’s also about the same amount of time since my last blog post. That wasn’t intentional, just trying to get this 3-kid thing down. I think I’m in a pretty good place now, so I’m trying to get the blog going again. Thought I’d start it off with these CRAZY adorable shots of what may be the cutest child EVER. I know…I know…I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it time and time again. It’s just true.
(Btw, Joe took the shot of him in the green hat. Pretty awesome, huh? …which I knitted, as a matter of fact. More on that later. And my Aunt Peggy crocheted the fabulous blue blanket. Kind of amazing.)
And yes, he’s wearing Baby Legs…because he’s cute and he can get away with it.