ismodern is a modern children’s clothing store that has the GREATEST boys clothes. Finally, a designer who takes interest in BOYS. She is an architect turned clothing designer, which is why, I believe, she has that extra edge. Very cool. They just got even better cause they are sponsoring Pictures for a Purpose. Our fundraiser to stop child trafficking. How great is that?
My friend, Kara, came over to practice for the fun event, which takes place this Saturday. And of course, she is a brilliant photographer, so she was able to take these awesome pictures of my boys wearing ismodern! Aren’t they great models? Even monkey. haha.
So…if you are looking for some great children’s outfits…visit And if you are looking for some awesome photographs…visit She’s got some great art prints for sale too. Those sales will help her go back to Thailand to document and eventually combat human trafficking. So don’t hesitate to buy some.