08 March 2009

Noah and the BANANA


Joe’s mom (the boys call her Amah) sent this story to us after they babysat the boys this week. I love it.

“While in Vancouver, I saw this cute pastry shaped like a banana, and it has big lettering: BANANA on it.  I bought a box of two for Noah and Ollie.

To let Noah practice his alphabet, I said, "Noah, what does it say?"

Noah ran his pointer through the letters, and read without hesitation, "not a hot dog".”

(Joe took this picture by the way. Pretty great, huh?)


Kara H said...

Oh my word. SUCH a cute story! (SUCH a cute kido too!)
Thanks so much for the very kind comment on my post.
Your passions and heart for others amazes and inspires me. You are wonderful. I too had a lot of fun this weekend! Looking forward to more fun times! :)
Bless you, friend! :)

Sadie said...

I heart those little guys, who are NOT bananas! ;)